Here are the results of the tresaure hunt you did on Tuesday!
There is more to EGMO and mathematics in Florence than meets the eye...
Today we hear the voices of the girls of Team Italy! Let's meet Giorgia, Maria, Linda, Maria Chiara and Sabrina.
È arrivato il momento di sentire le voci delle ragazze della squadra italiana! Eccovi Giorgia, Maria, Linda, Maria Chiara e Sabrina.
Judith Campos Cordero provides us with a full-fledged reportage on Mexico, one of our guest countries. Let's dive in this new post on EGMO Countries.
Judith Campos Cordero ha preparato per noi un reportage approfondito sul Messico, una delle nazioni ospiti di quest'anno. Buttiamoci in questo nuovo post sulle EGMO Countries.
We continue our series of posts on Florence and today we hit the hot topic: art and monuments in Florence.